Train's Clash Page 35

“And between me and Diamond.” Knox didn’t leave his own guilt out of the conversation. “If anyone found out that Diamond had confided in Sex Piston, she could have lost her law license for breach of privacy.”

Train laughed so hard his head fell back. Staring upward at sky, he saw the sun was beginning to rise. “I am such a dumb fuck,” he castigated himself. “When she came to Rosie’s, she told me that if I broke my rule of not fucking anyone who didn’t belong to The Last Riders, she would give me the go-ahead to fuck the club women. Deep down, I knew she was lying to me. Killyama would never put up with any man who slept with others, even if it was a casual hook-up.”

Train was a man who knew when he was beaten. Instinctively, he had known Killyama wasn’t as laid back about their arrangement as she had pretended, but he had believed it because it achieved his own goal. He had wanted her on his terms: no relationship, no caring, and especially no love. She hadn’t been the only one lying to him. He had been lying to himself.

“Brother, I could have warned you if I had known she said that. Those bitches don’t even share clothes. If Diamond asks to borrow something from Sex Piston, she tells her no, or that she doesn’t want it anymore.”

Knox rarely talked about the dynamic between Diamond and the bitches. Train thought it was because the antics they got into grated on his more reserved personality. Now he could see that Knox had grown to like his sister-in-law and her friends.

“When Killyama asked Lily to borrow those high-priced heels I bought her, she told Lily she wasn’t getting them back.”

“You like her, don’t you?” Train asked, knowing Shade would rip off anyone’s head who denied Lily what she wanted.

“It’s hard not to like the woman who saves your wife’s life.” Shade didn’t admit nor deny it, which meant he technically admitted it.

“Like is a strong word for how I feel about her, but I can respect why Killyama did what she did,” Viper conceded. He clearly wasn’t going to get over his hurt pride anytime soon.

“I don’t think Sex Piston was the only one she tried to protect.” Train replayed the words that Winter had told him. “Winter tried to tell me that Killyama is in love with me. I blew it off when she told me, but I think she’s right. Getting the charges dropped against Sasha is her way of saying she is sorry.”

“I wouldn’t take it that far. That bitch doesn’t know the meaning of the word. She talked you into inviting her to the clubhouse to make sure Sasha was there. She also used the opportunity to have sex with you again. If that’s not enough, not one of us with wives has been laid since then.”

Yeah, Viper was still pissed. Train tried to think of a way to soothe his ruffled feathers but came up short. Viper didn’t forgive easily, especially where his dick was concerned.

Train could sympathize. He hadn’t had sex since he had been with Killyama. Viper had gone without even longer after the birth of his baby.

The law he had laid down about the members having nothing to do with Killyama had come back to bite him in the ass, and with him making such a big deal about it, it wasn’t going to be easy for him to admit he had been wrong.

“Damn, a devious woman gives me a hard-on.” Moon stood up to adjust his jeans. “Train, if you don’t make her your woman, I’m going to make her mine.”

Moon said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Before the other brothers could react, Train swung his fist out with lightning fast reflexes, punching Moon in his gut and knocking him backward onto his bike. It took several minutes before Shade and Knox took pity on him, lifting a struggling Train off him.

“You try to touch her, brother or not, I’ll kill you.” He wiped his bloodied knuckles on the side of his jeans.

None of The Last Riders tried to help Moon to his feet.

Train put his hand on his handlebar. “I’m going to the hospital to find out how Killyama is doing. You all can come with me or stay here. I’m done talking.”

“Train, she doesn’t want you knowing.” Shade moved to stand in front of Train’s bike. “Have you changed your mind about wanting her to become a Last Rider?”

“You know I haven’t.” Train stared challengingly at Viper. He couldn’t make it any plainer to his president that Killyama was going to be a part of his life. If the club couldn’t accept that, they wouldn’t be a part of the future he was determined to have with her.

“You go in that hospital, telling her you forgive her and everything is all hunky-dory, Killyama will chew you up and spit you out.”

Train dropped his hands from the handlebars. Shade’s logic made sense. As badly as he wanted to go to the hospital, it wasn’t the best move.

“Learn from us, brother. Some of us have been right where you are. Build her trust first. Show her what you can give her that the Destructors can’t.”

“Like what?”

The Destructors were not The Last Riders, but the years she had spent with them, building strong relationships, Train couldn’t compete with that, not anytime soon.

“You already know that answer. She’s in love with you.” Shade fixed his steely gaze on him. “Killyama is devious as hell. Use it against her. You’re the best soldier in the club. You fought like a warrior when we were in the field and in the air. I never once worried that you wouldn’t fight your way through to bring us home.” Shade moved away from him, leaving the choice to him on whether they were going to force their way inside her room to see her or stay away for now. “A smart warrior would try to win her hand and win the war. Bring your princess home on her terms when she’s ready. We’ll all be waiting.”






Sasha’s dejected expression vanished the second an attractive police officer opened the green door, allowing her to leave the jail behind. Then a shrill scream could be heard in the air when she caught sight of the large group of the men who had been waiting for her, now walking toward her, which prompted a blossoming wide smile out of her.

“Train!” Sasha jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he lifted her into his arms, twirling the excited woman around in a circle before he passed her over to Rider, who gave her the same excessive greeting.

Moon took his turn next, planting a kiss on her mouth as she hurled herself into his arms. When it was Razer’s turn, he set her down after he caught her, giving her a tamer hug. Viper’s casual hug ended with him turning her toward the motorcycles. All of the men were smiling as they got on their bikes.

Sasha practically skipped to Train’s bike when Viper dropped his arm from her. Using Train’s shoulder to balance herself, she climbed behind him and snuggled close, wrapping her arms around him as they drove out of the parking garage. Train’s bike was swallowed up by The Last Riders who protectively surrounded them.

Killyama forced her eyes down to the cell she was holding. After a series of swipes on her screen, she walked down the ramp to the garage below, alighting the sidewalk outside the police station.

The taxi she had requested took fifteen minutes to arrive. Giving the driver the address, Killyama buckled her seat belt as he darted into the morning traffic. She had the cash ready, paying when the cab arrived at the hotel. She knew she had been busted before the driver could count his money and leave.

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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