The Gamble Page 58

But I interrupted him. “You have no idea what Charlie would or wouldn’t. Charlie was good to the core. You have no idea what it means to be that way. Don’t you dare tell me what Charlie would do.”

Dad opened his mouth to speak but Max got there before him. “I’m not gonna say it again.”

At this threat, Dad looked over my shoulder then back at me and he declared, “I’m staying at the hotel in town, Nina. This isn’t done. We need to talk, calmly, if you can manage that.”

Max let me go but pulled me back and stepped around me, moving toward Dad. Dad’s glance shot toward him briefly then he walked swiftly to the door.

He opened it, stopped in it and looked at me. “I’ll be at the hotel.”

“Enjoy your stay,” I snapped nastily.

Dad’s gaze rested on me a moment, then he walked out the door.

I didn’t watch him go, I stomped to the kitchen. When I made it there I snatched up my phone from the counter and hit the button to turn it on.

“Nina,” Max said from close and I knew he was close because I felt his hand sliding along the small of my back.

I didn’t look up, just lifted a hand, one finger pointed skyward and with the other hand went to my contacts, found Niles and hit the button to connect.

“Honey, don’t you think you should calm down first?” Max suggested and I could feel the reassuring heat of his body but I was focused on the fireplace across the room, staring at it like I could ignite a fire in its grate with my eyes.

I didn’t answer Max. I didn’t want to calm down. I wanted this to be done and to do it I wanted what I had to say to be said.

I heard the phone ring once then twice and on the third ring Niles answered.


“Dad was just here.”


Nina? Was he mad?

“Yes, Nina!” I shouted into the phone. “What other American would call, informing you with barely controlled, therefore unmistakable fury that her father just paid her a visit?”

“Listen, I can hear you’re perturbed but –”

“Yes, I’m perturbed, Niles, I’m very perturbed and if you tell me you have to go into a meeting, I swear –”

“Not a meeting but I have a client waiting –”

“Whatever!” I yelled. “A client is not more important than you listening to me, and Niles I want you, for once in your life, to listen to me. We’re over. Do you understand? Over!”

His astonishing reply: “We’ll talk when you get home.”

I saw lights flashing in front of my eyes but I still managed to snap, “Oh no we won’t. We’re never talking again. Anything I left in your house you can give to a charity shop.”

“Seriously, I want to talk about this, it’s just that now’s not a good time.”

“I know now’s not a good time,” I told him. “Reason number two why we’re over. I’m not bloody important enough for you to take the time to listen to me. Reason number one, just in case you’re curious, is that even when you do you don’t actually listen.”

“I listen.”

“Yes? If you listened then why did my father fly to Colorado to have this morning’s infinitely loving father daughter chat?”

“He’s just concerned that you’re not making the right –”

“He’s not concerned about that, Niles. He’s concerned about my access to your trust fund and the cachet he’ll lose when he can’t link his family’s name to yours.”

“That isn’t fair.”

“It’s not only fair, it’s bloody true.”

“You’ve always been too hard on him.”

My vision covered in shiny, sparkling, white lights, I took the phone from my ear, looked at the ceiling and screeched, “Oh my God! Why am I even having this conversation?”

Max’s fingers dug into my hip and he murmured, “Honey.”

Again I didn’t answer Max. I just put the phone back to my ear and said, “We’re over.”

“Who was that?” Niles asked but I didn’t answer him either. I brought my phone down, touched the screen to end the call then threw the phone on the counter with a clatter.

“Nina, please, baby, look at me,” Max entreated putting pressure on my waist but I yanked from his hold, put my fingers to my engagement ring, tugged it off and then hurled it with all my might across the room.

I heard the tinkling sound of its bumpy landing but I simply picked up the phone again.

Max’s hand came to my wrist, circling it with strong fingers and stopping my phone’s progress so I finally looked at him. He looked a contradictory mixture of concerned and amused.

“Duchess, I’m guessin’ he got the message.”

“You’d guess wrong,” I informed him. “Niles doesn’t pay much attention and when he does he hears what he wants to hear. And anyway, I’m not calling him, I’m calling my mother.”

Max gave me a look, squeezed my wrist and then released it, muttering, “I’ll make coffee.”

“I’ll take mine with a shot of tequila,” I snapped and watched him press his lips together and move away.

Then I touched and slid my finger on the screen on my phone until I found Mom and then pressed to connect.

She answered on the second ring. “You’re an early bird today.”

“Dad was just here.”

There was complete silence.

Then a screeched, “What?”

“Yes. He. Was. Just. Here. Spreading his goodwill and love all around Max’s entryway. It’s a wonder there aren’t cherubs flying around sprinkling rose petals and rainbows erupting through the windows, an aftermath of his delightful visit.”

I heard the sink go off and then Max’s chuckle.

I turned to glare at him. He grinned at me then opened the top of the coffeemaker to pour the water in.

“What was he doing there?” Mom asked.

“Niles called him.”

“Why on earth would he do that?” Mom sounded justifiably flabbergasted.

“I don’t know. Because he’s Niles?” I sounded justifiably irate.

“That’s just… that’s… I don’t even know what that is,” Mom stammered.

“It gets better.”

“Oh no.” Now she sounded anxious.

“Dad said he’s staying in town. He said, ‘this isn’t done’.”

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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