Seduce Me in Shadow Page 8

“But allowing him so much slack in the chains . . . isn’t that dangerous?”

“When others have been feral, they’ve had a need to dominate, according to my Aunt Millie. In this state, Lucan will require any woman he beds to be beneath him. Besides, I hope that having some freedom of movement will signal to him that he’s not under attack and enable him to take me. He’ll derive more energy if he does.”

Caden swallowed. “And you’ll just let him . . .”

She stared back at Caden over her shoulder. “My body is a small thing to give to keep a dear friend alive. If embracing another eases him past his mourning, why would I not help him?”

Her selfless words hit Caden in the gut. This wonderful woman was risking herself. He adored her, yet was scared for her, all at once.

“Does Bram know what you’re about?”

She shook her head. “He’d only be a hindrance.”

Caden shook his head. Foolish, brave, amazing woman. “What if Lucan attacks you?”

She smiled sadly. “You’re here.”

He bit back a scream that he wanted no part of this, but Sabelle’s courage made him feel like a coward. Lucan needed this to stay alive, and the witch was willing to risk her life and body to heal him. Though there was no risk to himself, Caden wanted no part of watching his brother siphon sexual energy from Sabelle. He railed against being here at all. The response shamed him.

“Back way to the farthest corner of the room. If he smells you . . .” She winced.

No telling what Lucan would do, except that it wouldn’t be good. Ridiculously grateful for that small reprieve, he shut the door and leaned against it, watching his brother and waiting.

Sabelle nodded, then dropped her robe. She wasn’t wearing a stitch.

His jaw dropped. The witch wasn’t just a pretty face; she had curves stacked everywhere, long legs, a lush backside, a long, narrow torso with a flat belly. Her breasts . . . the stuff of wet dreams.

Still, Caden had no urge to touch her. He couldn’t when he had so much to fear. And such tumultuous feelings for Sydney.

Kicking the robe away, Sabelle edged onto the bed and lay beside Lucan.

Immediately, he lunged for her, his eyes wide and frenetic and sightless. He sniffed at her, growled, and rolled her body beneath his, flattening her against the mattress, overwhelming her with his taut body.

“Sabelle?” Caden called and darted for her.

“I’m fine,” she vowed. “Stay back.”

Caden managed to do as instructed—barely.

“Female,” Lucan purred as he buried his face in her neck. His mouth devoured her skin as he panted, and his chest rumbled with sounds of approval. His nose began to roam her body. He used the slack in his chains to squeeze a breast, then cupped between her legs. “Anka?”

When Lucan panted and bit at her neck, she shuddered. Her eyes slid shut. Caden flinched and resisted the urge to rescue her. He gripped the edges of the portal behind him, fingers digging into the wood. Watching his brother sexually dominate her was both horrifying and repelling. If Caden had been against magical mating before, seeing this nightmare sealed the deal.

Sabelle wrapped her arms around him and encouraged, “That’s it. More.”

Lucan didn’t respond; he could not hear. So she communicated by stroking his shoulders, filtering her fingers through his hair. She glided one palm down Lucan’s back and arched toward him. With that urging, Lucan unleashed more of his inner beast, and his hands roamed her pale flesh. He tried to claim her mouth, but Sabelle dodged him, offering her neck. Finally, Lucan gave up, and dropped his mouth to her breasts, ravishing them. Caden winced, fighting his instinct to protect Sabelle, as Lucan pinned her down for his pleasure.

“Anka,” he breathed against Sabelle’s skin, fisted his hand in her wet hair. “My Anka!”

Lucan pressed against Sabelle intimately, thrusting his hips at her. Caden recoiled, yet he couldn’t turn away for Sabelle’s safety. For Lucan’s sake, he wanted this to work, but watching his brother take from Sabelle utterly disturbed him.

“Stop,” Caden demanded. “You don’t have to do this.” Sabelle opened her eyes and turned her head to meet his stare. “I do, but if you can’t stay, I understand.”

The offer was tempting, but . . . “Who will be your safety net?”

“He’s chained. Go on. It’s all right.”

“I won’t leave you to face this alone. We neither of us know what he’s capable of.”

Her expression was like a shrug as she stripped away Lucan’s briefs.

With an animal growl, Lucan completely covered her, his much bigger body all but swallowing her up. Chains rattling, he gripped her hips in his hands and lunged for her mouth, intent on fusing them together. Again, she dodged him.

“Give me!” Lucan roared.

Caden lunged toward the bed again, but a glance from Sabelle stopped him in his tracks. His fingers, still gripping the door frame, turned numb. The witch was determined, and his brother needed her. But, oh God . . . this was terrible, painful. He could only imagine what Sabelle endured.

When Lucan could not kiss her, he grew more agitated, his hands clutching her cheeks and forcing her mouth under his. Sabelle pressed her lips together.

Panic crossed her face.

Frustration and fear gnawed at Caden’s gut. “Will kissing him turn him more feral?”

Sabelle raised her head over Lucan’s shoulder, dodging him again. “If he tastes me, he’ll know I’m not Anka.”

Of course. Every wizard knew his mate instinctively by taste. Their kiss, their tears, their cream—whatever he tasted, it would carry the flavor of his mate. Lucan would sense it, or rather its absence, in Sabelle.

She distracted him by spreading her thighs beneath him, and arching her hips in invitation. Lucan hesitated. As he loosed a feral howl, he invaded her body.

Wincing, she cried out.

That was it. Caden could not stand about and do nothing. He ripped away from the door.

“Stay back!” Sabelle shouted. “If he smells you, he will assume we’re attacking him and try to kill me.”

Since Sabelle’s position under Lucan made her vulnerable, he could kill her instantly.

Swallowing bile and his pride, Caden eased back. “Work free of him, and I’ll help you tighten the chains.”

Lucan nudged her neck with his face, braced his hands on her hips, prepared to fuck her like a madman. But he paused.

Sabelle caressed his back and lifted to him again in encouragement.

Without warning, Lucan thrust forward savagely, sinking deep. He plundered her like a jackhammer on asphalt, pistoning into her in a non-stop rhythm. Sabelle cried out as she absorbed his onslaught.

“Please let me stop him.” Caden would have begged if he thought Sabelle would listen.


Caden closed his eyes, then forced them open. He was Sabelle’s safety net, no matter how ugly this was, how angry the destructive forces of magic made him, he must watch.

At that moment, Lucan pressed his advantage. Grabbing her chin, he forced his plundering mouth over hers. It took only an instant before he lifted his head, let out a mighty roar, and wrapped his hand around Sabelle’s throat and squeezed.

More than ready, Caden darted toward them. Lucan’s arms flexed with muscle and fury as he tried to wring the life out of the witch. Her legs flailed, and she raised her arms, clearly trying to summon magic.

They did not need to compound one tragedy with another. There must be another way to help his brother. He’d step up his efforts with Sydney—anything but this.

With his own shout, Caden threw a forearm around his brother’s neck and braced his knees on the mattress. Yanking at Lucan, he tugged his brother away from Sabelle. She gasped, and he was relieved to hear her catch her breath. But the relief was short-lived when Lucan broke loose, turned on him with the wild blue eyes of a madman, and attacked.

When riled, his brother had the strength of ten men, and Caden knew as soon as Lucan pinned him to the bed and grabbed his throat that, despite superior training, he was in for the fight of his life. He pushed at Lucan’s chest and writhed, struggling against his brother’s hold. But Lucan held a tight grip, nearly crushing his windpipe, cutting off his air. He choked, gasped, barely registering a shuffling beside him. While he didn’t want to die, he prayed Sabelle got help, rather than putting herself in harm’s path again.

Suddenly, Lucan went slack and collapsed in a heap over Caden like dead weight. He pushed his brother off him, then looked around for Sabelle, who was belting her robe around her waist, looking somewhere between embarrassed and contrite.

“I’m so sorry,” she murmured, looking ready to tear up.

Caden shoved his brother away, then rose and held her awkwardly. “For not succeeding? How could you have known?”

“No, for being naďve. I didn’t believe he would actually hurt a loved one.” She dropped her gaze, bit her lip. “He would have killed us both if we hadn’t worked together.”

“How did you do stop him?”

“A quick spell. You intervened enough for me to use my hands and cast it. Lucan is not just asleep but unconscious. I hope that, in my panic, my spell didn’t hit him too hard.” She winced.

Another instance of magic potentially backfiring, and he still had the original problem to tackle. “You did what was necessary to save us both.”

“It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t loosened his chains, had kept him from kissing me. I . . .”

Sabelle began to sob. Caden wrapped his arms around her gently and let her cry. He didn’t want magic in his life, didn’t want to be here, but the least he could do was help the woman who had bravely put herself in harm’s path to aid Lucan.

Caden held her tighter, swearing that he would never have a mate to mourn, never put others through this magical torture. He wanted to ask her what they could do next to care for Lucan, but now wasn’t the time. The burden sat squarely on his shoulders. Caden had to find Anka and not rely on Sabelle’s sacrifices.

“Never again.” He took her face in his hands and wiped her tears away. Guilt crashed into him. He should have said no from the start. “Ever. We’ll find another way.”

“This may be the only way to keep him alive.”

“That can’t be true. You did your best, but—”

“What is going on here?”

Caden’s gaze zipped to the door and the sound of the growl. Ice filled up the portal, wearing an unpleasant scowl that said he hadn’t yet decided whether to offer help or rip Caden’s head off. The big, skull-shaved warrior prowled into the room, his green gaze settling on Sabelle—and getting more furious by the instant. He looked like a man about to pound flesh first and ask questions later. He also radiated a territorial vibe Caden couldn’t miss.

Caden backed away from Sabelle. No need to compound the problems already swirling in the room.

“What the fuck is this?” If patience and politeness were virtues, Ice possessed not an iota of either.

Sabelle raised her chin. “I was caring for Lucan.”

Ice looked between Lucan on the floor, then Sabelle with her wild, tangled hair, the hem of her short robe, and the blue imprint of fingers on her neck.

Fury roared across Ice’s face as the menacing warrior turned on him. “Your prick of a brother did this to her? Did you stand and watch, you motherfucking pervert, while he hurt her?”

Before Caden could think of an explanation, Ice clobbered him with a right cross, then followed up with a mean uppercut to the abdomen. Caden doubled over and nearly vomited. He could fight the warrior in hand-to-hand and, being better trained, could probably win. But Caden remained still. Why defend his actions?

“Were you hoping to have a go at her next? I’m going to rip your throat out with my bare hands. Neither you nor your brother will touch her again.”

“Ice, stop!” Sabelle demanded.

To his surprise, the big warrior whipped his fists to his sides, despite looking ready to pulverize any who touched Sabelle again.

“It was my choice to serve Lucan and have Caden stay.” Clenched jaw, Ice cursed. “He hurt you. I won’t allow that.”

“I don’t need your approval. Lucan is not in his right mind, and he’s my friend.” She turned to Caden, who rubbed his assaulted gut. “Go. I need to gather myself, clean up before I face my brother.”

She swallowed and, for the first time, looked genuinely nervous.

Caden grabbed her hand. “I cannot thank you enough for your effort. On behalf of my brother, I’m sorry . . . for what he put you through. I will talk to Bram—”

Ice shouldered his way between them and shoved Caden back. “Do not touch her.”

Rather than tempt fate, Caden stepped away.

Sabelle sighed. “I’ll talk to my brother. Tell him I’ll be down shortly.”

With a sigh, Caden turned away. At the portal, he glanced back to see Sabelle send Ice a fiery glare. No one said a word, but he had a feeling that the possessive male was about to get a serious dressing down. Caden’s guess? Sabelle wanted plenty of distance between her and Ice. His other guess? Ice wasn’t about to let that stop him.

Long after dark, Sydney finished her interview and reached home, completely drained physically. Emotionally, she was wired. So much food for thought. That poor woman remembered so little of her adulthood, and Sydney could only imagine how horrific her torture had been. Despite being victimized, the self-professed witch knew that she’d left loved ones behind. The woman had sobbed about the open wound inside her, about the guilt and incompleteness that hollowed her.

Being unmoved by such a soul-baring was impossible. It made Sydney question everything in her life. She’d put men and dating on the back burner to concentrate on her career. But at times, like tonight, she felt so alone. Her body and heart ached. But now, sitting in her darkened living room, not just any man would fill up the empty place inside her.

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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