Max Page 64

Fuck . . . I’d have a million things to say, all of them important, but there is one that stands out.

With a casual shrug I tell him, “Only thing that really matters . . . and that’s to just simply tell her I’m madly, crazy, head over feels in love with her and I’m ready for her when she makes that same commitment.”

Hawke gets this shit-eating grin on his face and then gives a subtle nod of his head at something over my right shoulder. “Well, now’s your chance, brother.”

“What?” I ask as I turn around, and even though the ballroom is crowded, I immediately spot Jules walking in through the main double doors.

My jaw drops as I take her in, first because I’m utterly blown away she came, and secondly because she’s a fucking knockout in that dress. It hugs her body and exposes her graceful shoulders, and when she walks there’s a slit in the front that gives me a peek of her leg up to right above her knee.

She doesn’t see me but she’s looking around, clearly on the hunt.

Hawke claps a hand on my shoulder, but I hardly pay him notice when he gives me a tiny shove her way and says, “Go get her, tiger.”

My legs start moving, weaving my way in and out of the guests, some wanting to shake my hand and others wanting to pose for pictures. That’s why we’re here . . . to make it worthwhile for people to open their wallets for charity.

But I brush people off with a firm but polite, “I’ll be back. There’s something I need to do.”

When I’m halfway to Jules, I see her gaze focuses in on something to my left and I turn to see Allie and Cassie standing there talking. The way their heads are tilted toward each other and by the looks on their faces I can tell they’re engaged in some catty gossip.

Then I’m absolutely stunned as Jules squares her shoulders and starts to walk their way.

Whoa, fuck!

I turn that way too, hoping to cut her off because no way in hell am I going to let those two get into Jules’ head any further.

Unfortunately, she beats me there by just a few strides and I watch as Allie and Cassie turn their heads to Jules as she walks right up to them. Both have their lips practically curled into sneers and I feel my hands start to clench into frustrated fists of aggression.

But just as I get to within five feet of Jules, I hear her say, “Allie . . . Cassie . . . you both look very lovely tonight.”

Both women sort of jerk in place, their eyebrows shooting upward and their mouths hanging slightly open.

Jules then gives a little twirl in place and waves one hand down the length of her body to direct their attention to her stunning dress and comes out of her spin facing them. “And don’t I look lovely tonight too? I actually feel just like Cinderella.”

They say nothing.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, ladies, I’m off to go find my prince. Have a great night,” she says and gives them a regal incline of her head.


How about a queen?

Jules turns my way and barrels straight into me, which is completely fine. She gives a gasp of surprise as my hands come to her upper arms to steady her and her eyes travel slowly up until they lock on mine.

“There you are,” she breathes out softly.

“Your prince?” I ask.

“The one and only,” she murmurs back.

And yeah . . . so I go ahead and kiss her, because what else should be said?

Except when I pull my mouth from hers and take in her sweet sigh of contentment, I tell her what should have been my first words. “I love you, Jules. Madly. Head over heels. Crazy, crazy love.”

Her eyes seem to glow with that shade of light amber than I love, which tells me she really, really likes what I just said to her. “I love you too, Max. So much.”

She opens her mouth to say something else but then abruptly looks to her left. I do the same and see Allie and Cassie still standing there, mouths agape as they watch us. Jules turns, dislodges my hand from her arm and then tucks her arm in the crook of mine. She starts walking through the ballroom and I follow along, loving the way she feels beside me.

Relishing the looks of appreciation she gets from some of the men.

Secretly even loving some of the jealous looks of other women.

When we reach the opposite side of the ballroom and find a space not occupied by people mingling and chatting, she turns to me, taking both my hands in hers. Her face tilts up and her eyes are apologetic. “I’m sorry, Max.”

I try to cut her off with a shake of my head but her hands squeeze mine, a silent indication she wants me to listen and that, more importantly, I need to listen.

So I listen.

“I’m sorry,” she begins again. “I love you so much and I’ve acted like such a fool.”

“You’re a cute fool though,” I say, only to lighten things up because she looks so seriously disappointed in herself.

I’m rewarded with a little bit of a smile as she continues on. “Here you were . . . an amazing man that came into my life and swept me off my feet. You were always bucking me up and telling me how strong I was, and I believed you. I believed every bit of faith you placed in me and that changed my life. And then . . . I got all up inside my head and ended up doing the exact opposite of what you believed about me.”

“You had a moment of doubt,” I say softly.

“No,” she says with an almost violent shake of her head, but then gives me a sheepish smile. “Okay, yes . . . a little doubt. In myself, and whether or not I deserved someone like you. But never doubt in you. Not really even in us as a whole. I guess I prefer to think that I just had a moment of stupidity.”

I can’t help it. I bust out laughing, and because she’s so fucking adorable, I tug her into me so I can wrap my arms around her. She reciprocates, but tilts her head back so she can keep looking up at me.

“Seriously, Max. Just plain stupidity,” she insists.

“Okay. I believe you,” I tell her, just so she’ll let that part go. My girl is far from stupid. Maybe silly and a little susceptible to her emotions, but never stupid.

“I’m strong, Max,” she murmurs as she looks up at me. “I’m strong and I’m not going to let anyone get me down or get in my way of being with you.”

“I hear you, baby,” I tell her.

“I am never going to be put off by what people think about me,” she asserts more definitively, as if she’s desperate for me to understand that she’s all in. “And I’m never going to not be by your side. I’ll be at every damn game that I can and I’ll proudly be by your side for every charity event, or whatever else you famous people do.”

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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