Lucky's Choice Page 83

 Willa watched, surprised at the natural way Lily moved on the dance floor, although Sex Piston danced exactly how she imagined she would. Her sensuality made her glad Lucky had stayed home. The other women gradually began going to the dance floor until Willa was sitting at the table alone.

 “Why aren’t you dancing?” Killyama asked, setting the drinks down on the table.

 The woman trailing behind her set the rest on the table. Willa thought she looked familiar in the dim light. When she straightened, Willa wanted to leave.

 “Hello, Jenna.”

 Jenna walked off without acknowledging her.

 “What bee crawled up her ass?” Killyama’s angry frown made Willa even more uncomfortable.

 “She doesn’t like me. She’s Lucky’s ex-girlfriend.”

 “Don’t let that club whore ruin your night. Get your ass up,” she ordered.

 Willa wasn’t left with a choice. She rose at the woman’s demand and found herself dragged to the middle of the dance floor.

 Willa had one of the best times of her life. The biker women were such vivacious dancers that it was easy not to feel self-conscious. Eventually she relaxed, forgetting Jenna was in the clubhouse.

 After an hour, she managed to escape Killyama and Crazy Bitch, who were both dancing with her, to return to the table to rest and take a drink of her soda.

 “You want another one?” Crazy Bitch asked, sitting down at the table and fanning herself.

 “No, thanks.”

 “You should have what I’m having.” Crazy Bitch pushed her drink toward her.

 “What is it? I don’t drink alcohol.”

 “It’s a Long Island Iced Tea,” Crazy Bitch said, starting to take it back.

 “I like tea.”

 Willa was hot and thirsty, and her diet soda was hot and tasted terrible. Before Crazy Bitch could take it back, she took a drink of the icy beverage.

 “This is delicious,” Willa said.

 Crazy Bitch started to say something, but the man coming toward their table distracted both women.

 “You going to dance with me tonight, Crazy Bitch?”

 The woman leaned back in her seat, critically surveying the good-looking man who was confidently waiting for her reply.

 “Calder, I’m never going to be drunk enough to dance with you. Why don’t you ask that whore behind the bar to dance with you?”

 “Why do you always have to be a fucking bitch to me?” The man’s face grew angry at her rejection.

 “Three reasons, Calder.” Crazy Bitch raised one finger. “Because you’re a dick.” Another finger went up. “Because you fuck anything that moves with that dick.” A third finger went up. “Because I already got rid of one dick and don’t need another to replace him.”

 The man spun on his booted heel.

 Crazy Bitch waved her fingers at his departing back. “Bye, dick.”

 Willa took another long drink of the tea, not wanting to laugh at the man’s injured pride.

 “I wish I could do come-backs that good. I get tongue-tied and cry.”

 “Fuck crying. It’s never solved a fucking thing. My boot up someone’s ass, on the other hand, has solved several problems of mine.” Crazy Bitch stood up. “Want another?”

 “Yes, please. I need to get the recipe and make a pitcher for the clubhouse. I’m sure they’ll like it.”

 “I am, too, since it has—”

 “Bitch, what’s taking you so long?” Killyama asked, motioning for her to come back onto the dance floor.

 Willa jumped up, going back to dance with her.

 Three songs later, they all groaned when someone slipped a slow song into the playlist. The floor emptied out. Willa sank back on her chair, picking up her tea as Lily and Beth both sat down. It didn’t take Shade long to take a seat next to his wife, bringing her a glass of the tea she was drinking.

 “It tastes good, doesn’t it?” she asked Lily after she took a drink.

 “I love tea. Sex Piston makes sure she stocks it behind the bar when she knows I’m coming.”

 “I hope it’s all right that Crazy Bitch gave me some, too.”

 Lily looked at her strangely. “That’s not—”

 Jenna set down beers in front of Sex Piston, Killyama, and Diamond who flopped down next to Willa. When she finished, she started to leave then paused, staring down at Willa with a fake smile of friendliness that didn’t fool her.

 “Thought I’d save Crazy Bitch the hassle of going to the bar for refills. How’s business going, Willa?”

 “Fine,” Willa answered warily, taking another drink of her tea nervously. She had been the victim of bullying too many times not to see it coming. Jenna wasn’t the type to do anyone a favor. Her sole intention of coming to the table had been to get in her face.

 “If you want, I can write down my recipe for frosting.”

 “Why would she want your fucking recipe? How hard is it to open a can?” Crazy Bitch snickered, which only made Jenna angrier.

 “It must be pretty damn good for Lucky to say it tasted better than Willa’s when he licked it off my tits.”

 All the smiles at the table disappeared.

 Willa tried to keep her face impassive so Jenna wouldn’t know the hurt she had inflicted, but the woman wasn’t done.

 “Lucky enjoying riding that bike he won off Rider?”

 Although Willa had noticed that Lucky was riding a bike other than his red one, she had assumed it was a club bike.

 “I think it’s hilarious as shit that he’s riding a bike he won betting Moon he would ride you first.”

 “He made a bet with Moon that he would have sex with me first?”

 “Yes. Of course, both agreed to let the other fuck you when they got you in the club.”

 Willa looked across the table at Shade and knew Jenna was telling the truth. Her perfect world tilted off its axis.

 Over the span of her life, Willa had been the recipient of many hurtful comments, too many to count. However, none had ever hurt to the degree that Jenna had just inflicted.

 Shade started to say something, but Willa shook her head. She didn’t need him to defend her nor the women who had heard the insult. She didn’t need anyone to defend her, not anymore.

 “Lucky may have gotten the motorcycle, but I got the ring.” Willa lifted up her hand, flashing the big, pink diamond that was on her wedding finger.

 Jenna’s face flushed angrily.

 “The only thing you ended up with was another club to wait on. This time, without getting paid, and the men certainly don’t have to make a bet to have you. They don’t even have to ask, do they?”

 Jenna’s hand went to her hair, nearly jerking her out of her chair, but Willa had been prepared for her reaction. It wasn’t the first time her hair had been used as a weapon against her.

 Willa braced herself, taking the pain before her hands went to Jenna’s, finding her thumb and bending it back mercilessly.

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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