Loving Deviant Page 10
off this station, Deviant. I’ll do whatever you want. I just have a few demands.”
His eyebrows rose as his eyes widened. “You have demands?”
“Yes.” She winced. “I know how that sounds, but I’m trying to escape so I’m not turned into a whore. I’d like you to promise that you won’t do that to me.”
Deviant took a step closer. “You aren’t a paid sex worker?”
“No.” She glanced at the bed and then him. “Um, this was my first time.”
“You’re a virgin?”
“No!” She was making a mess out of this. “I mean, I’ve had sex before, but never for money. Technically, you didn’t just pay me to blow you. I meant that I don’t work here. I came in here to show you that…oh hell.” Tears filled her eyes. “Could you put the gun down? Please don’t shoot me. I’m desperate!”
He hesitated before grabbing his pants and shoving them on. He slid his gun into the holster attached to his waist as he crouched down a foot away from her. His blue eyes were amazing as they locked onto hers. “I’m confused.”
“So am I.” She wiped at her tears. “I just wanted a new life, and instead I came here to find out the guy who’d married me doesn’t exist. I was tricked by this asshole, who wants to turn me into a whore, and then I saw you, and you’re totally hot; I don’t know why women from wherever you’re from won’t touch you. I want you to take me with you, Deviant. I just don’t want to be forced to sleep with other guys. I’ll have sex with you though, if you save me.”
He blinked.
“That’s what my conditions are. You want a woman who’ll have sex with you, and that’s what I’m offering. I just don’t want to be passed around to other men. Is that clear enough? I haven’t had sex in over four years, since before my accident.” She bit her lip. “I was afraid I’d even forgotten how to give a blow job. Was it at least good for you?”
He slowly rose to his full height. “Stand up.”
She trembled but stood. The guy was a good foot taller than her. He reached out and gripped the hand she’d cut, turned it to stare at her palm. His gaze shifted to hers. “This arm is the real one? You mentioned three of your limbs were replaced.”
“Yeah. Both legs and my other arm had to be added.”
He stared into her eyes. “Organs?”
“A kidney and a lung. Most of my rib cage was replaced. One shoulder blade isn’t the original either.”
“Give me your other hand.”
She lifted her other one and he took it, tracing her palm with his fingers. It tickled and she jerked a little in his hold. He gave her a questioning look.
“It’s really sensitive. Angels use the best materials they can and it’s very lifelike. I feel pain and everything.”
“It feels very real. I can’t tell the difference by touch.” He hesitated. “What about your breasts and your vagina? Are those real or replacements?”
“Real and totally my original parts.”
He leaned in to stare at her face. “Enhanced?”
“A little. I had burns on one side, but they put lab-grown skin over the worst of it to match the other side of my face, and repair all the damage. This is how I looked before my accident, more or less.”
“What about your hair color? Is that soft brown what you were born with?”
“How old are you?”
His minty breath fanned her face. “I don’t even know what to do with you.”
Hope flared. “Take me with you, help me escape, and I’ll teach you everything you ever wanted to learn about a woman’s body. That’s why you came here, right? I’m sexually attracted to you. You were attracted to me. Is my being real a bad thing?”
He released her hands. “Who’s after you?”
“The station owner. His name is Darbis Martin, and he’s a son of a bitch. A real bad guy. He bragged about doing this to other women before me. He’s got a private brothel with live women on this station too. I ran before he could have me escorted there. That’s when I saw you.”
He backed up a few feet and regarded her with a frown. “How long?”
“I just got here today.”
“I meant, how long will I own you if I get you off this station?”
Own me? Yikes. She swallowed. “How long do you want to keep me?”
“Where do you want to go after you work off your
Source: www_Novel22_Net