Leopard's Prey Page 123
She dug her fingers into his ribs. He hunched a little, laughing.
“I know? That’s your romantic response when I declare undying love for you?”
“Well, I do know.” His eyes were even laughing.
“Your sexual skills are quite up to par so now we’re goin’ to have to work on your romance skills,” she told him.
“Up to par? Did you just say up to par? Woman, you really are askin’ for trouble. Superior skills in that department.” He danced her off the dance floor and right around the corner of the building, across the sprawling lawn down to the grove of trees. “We’re getting the hell out of here so I can do a little provin’ of my point.”
“We can’t just run away from our own wedding celebration,” she protested, but she didn’t stop moving.
Remy tugged at her hand. “I know you’re especially good at undressin’, Blue. Try doin’ it on the run.”
His jacket and tie went floating behind him.
“Oh my God, you’re serious,” Bijou exclaimed, caught somewhere between laughter and shock. “I’m in a wedding dress.”
His hand tore at the pins in her hair even as he dragged her through the trees toward the swamp. “And it’s damned beautiful, but I personally like you with no clothes on. And so do our leopards. Come on, Blue, let’s be bad.”
“There’re like a million buttons.”
He stopped running. “Is that a no?”
“Are you kiddin’ me? Undo them right now, Remy. And hurry up about it.”
“I’m madly, crazy in love with you,” he admitted, his hands eagerly slipping small pearly buttons out of their loops.
“I know,” she said, and waited for her wedding gown to fall to the ground.
Source: www_Novel22_Net