Howl For It Page 53

Kayla answered the phone before it could even ring. “The job is done,” she told her boss. The job. Her marriage. Getting close to Gage Riley. She’d done everything she was supposed to—

“Not quite,” came the rumble of Lyle McKennis’s voice. “But you’re real close, Kincaid.”

Her hands tightened around the phone. Close wasn’t good enough. Close wasn’t—

“Actually, you’re killing close,” he continued, voice cold and flat in her ear. “You’re the only hunter who’s ever been able to slide under Riley’s radar.”

Because when Gage Riley saw her, he saw just a woman. Not a hunter.

“You know what he’s done,” Lyle said. “You know what he is.”

Yes. She looked up and forced herself to stare into the mirror again. She stared past her own reflection. Gazed at those marks on her neck.

“He’s sleeping now, isn’t he?” Lyle murmured.

“Yes.” Why was her body starting to feel so cold? Numb?

“Then it’s time.” Satisfaction purred through Lyle’s words. “Make sure you use silver.”

What other weapon would she use? Nothing else would work, not on Gage.

“Go kill your new husband,” Lyle ordered, “and give the world one less monster to fear.”


The knife was a light weight in her hand. She’d killed before with a weapon like this one, and Kayla had no doubt that she’d do so again. But . . .

Killing Gage? Ice seemed to fill her veins.

Yes, she knew that had been Lyle’s plan all along. From the first moment, when he’d told her to head into Gage’s bar and to seduce, but not touch. She’d known Lyle wanted her to take out Gage. Another target. Another mission.

She’d always been such a good soldier. No, hunter.

Only the plan had changed for her. Gage was supposed to be a monster, she knew that. Lyle had told her all about Gage’s crimes. She’d read his file. Read it over a dozen times.

But when she looked at him, she didn’t see the monster. She just saw the man.

A man who’d wanted to marry her.

So on her thirty-fourth birthday, she’d headed to the chapel with him. And now, with dawn coming, the game was supposed to be over.

She was killing close. Lyle had that bit right. Gage trusted her. This was the time her group had been waiting for. They’d planned this attack for months.

Carefully, she opened the bathroom door. The door made just the softest of creaks as it slid over the carpet. Gage still slept in bed, but he’d rolled so that his back was to her. Such a strong, muscled back. There were faint scars on his back. She’d touched them in the dark. Just as he’d touched her scars.

He’d kissed her scars. The lines that sliced over her flesh. Hehadn’t asked her about them. Hadn’t questioned like her other lovers had done. He’d just stroked them with his fingers and his tongue and made her feel perfect.

She’d never been that.

Kayla glanced at the knife. Was she really supposed to just shove it into his heart? Then walk away while he bled out?

You know what he is. Don’t be fooled. Gage’s kind was so good at deception. She had to remember that. He’d been born to lie. To deceive.

She’d met others like him before. So many over the years. More than most people realized.

Her own family had been attacked by someone like Gage. A man, hiding a beast inside. One dark night, he’d killed her mother and father. Left her brother in a pool of blood, struggling to breathe. Attacked her.

Monsters lived and breathed in this world. Most folks didn’t know that truth. They thought the world was all happy and shiny and full of birthday parties, play dates, and football games.

She knew better. Monsters are real. And her handsome husband, with his slow smile and strong hands—he was a monster.

Kayla took a step forward. One foot in front of the other. The mantra was the same one she’d used when she’d walked down the aisle. Only no minister waited for her this time.

The robe she wore rustled around her feet as she took another slow step. Another.

When she felt something wet on her cheek, Kayla stopped. What the hell? Her left hand lifted and swiped across her face. Was she crying? She never cried. She hadn’t, not since the men at the cemetery had put her parents in the ground.

“Come back to bed,” Gage said, his voice rumbling out and making her jump. He faced the window, not her as he added, “I miss you.”

He wouldn’t miss her for long.

Kayla took a deep breath and forced herself to keep walking. A few more steps, and her legs brushed against the edge of the bed. “Th-there’s something you should know about me . . .” His back was still to her. Why did he have to make such an easy target?

This should be better for you. You don’t have to look him in the eyes when you attack.

But stabbing a man in the back had never been her style.

Liar. The insidious whisper came from deep within. Her secret shame.

Her hand clenched around the knife’s handle. Gage was supposed to be dangerous. Lethal. The strongest paranormal badass to claim Vegas in years.

Because he was a paranormal. The supernaturals were real and breathing . . . and many were hiding in the shadows of Sin City.

He was the perfect target right then. Tousled hair. Sated male. Defenseless. It would be so easy. Just lift the knife. Drive the blade into his flesh.

“Oh, I think I already know all the secrets you have, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice a low and sexy growl.

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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