Happy Ever After Page 33

“We need to start transferring the gifts.”

“Sure. Emma shanghaied Jack on flower detail. They’re doing something somewhere.”

Parker knew precisely what and where. “They’re changing over the Solarium and the Grand Hall for the next event.”


She jogged down the back stairs. “Where’s Malcolm?”


“I saw he was here, that’s all.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No.” She felt her shoulders tense, willfully relaxed them. “I just wasn’t expecting him. It’s a busy day.”

“So put him to work.”

What she did was put him out of her mind and she, Del, the valets, and the drivers began to transfer wedding gifts from the display tables to the bridal limo.

By the time the task was completed, some of the early departures called for their cars. She guided some out, assisted those to whom the bride and groom had offered flowers.

Keeping to the timetable, she dashed back up to give the DJ the nod for announcing the last dance.

Laurel stepped up beside her.“I’ll do the sweep if you take the herding.You’re better at herding.”


“Take-away cake and desserts are all boxed up so I can give Emma a hand, at least until Mac and Carter are free, then I’ve got to hit my own stuff for the next event.”

“She’s on her way to box whatever flowers the bride wants to take or give away from this point.”

“I’ll stick with her until I have to move on. How’d you talk Mal into hauling flowers?”

“What? I didn’t.” Parker’s eyes widened. “He is?”

“I ran into him when he was carrying a small forest into the Grand Hall. From woodland violets to a rain forest of exotic orchids and whatever else is in there. Gotta say, Emma’s done the amazing again.”

She didn’t know what to think about Malcolm and orchids, and didn’t have time in any case. Herding included making certain the guests worked their way out of the house instead of wandering through it, and giving the bride and groom her attention until they were safely in their limo and driving away.

When they were gone, she let out one satisfied breath.

“Nice job.”

And whirled around to see Malcolm in the doorway holding a plate.

“It was, but it’s only half the job today.”

“So I’m told. Here.”

She frowned at the plate he held out.“I don’t want that. I don’t have time for that.”

“I’m just the messenger. Mrs. Grady sent it, and according to the rules of Mrs. G, as messenger I’m required to tell you to sit down for five minutes, eat. She made me promise to report back to her either way.” He cocked his head. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not bucking her.”

“Fine.” She took the plate holding some sort of cold pasta and vegetable medley, sat on one of the portico benches, and ate.

Malcolm pulled a small bottle of water out of his pocket, offered it.

“Thanks.You picked a bad day to drop by and hook up with Del or Jack or Carter. Saturdays are routinely our busiest, and we’ve called all hands on deck.”

“I didn’t come by to hook up.” He dropped onto the bench beside her. “I came to collect my hundred from Jack, and to see you.”

“I’m too busy to be seen.”

“I’m seeing you now.”

“We appreciate you pitching in, but you don’t have to—”

“No problem. I got food, beer, and some damn good cake out of it. Did you get any of that—the cake?”

“No, I haven’t—”

“Had time,” he finished and smiled at her. “I hear there’s a big fancy dinner and more cake on tap later. Hauling flowers and chairs and whatever around for that seems like a good trade.”

She stabbed more pasta. She noted he’d shaved that morning and his jeans were free of holes and grease stains. Despite the chill, he wore only a black tee.

“Your garage is open on Saturdays.Why aren’t you working?”

“I worked till one.” He leaned back, closed his eyes. “Put in a long one last night.”

“What’s a long one?”

“Till about two. Kid banged up the grill, cracked a headlight on his daddy’s Jag, which I cleverly deduced he wasn’t supposed to drive while said daddy was away with his girlfriend.The kid was desperate to get it fixed before the old man got back and before the household staff noticed and narced on him. Paid me to expedite the parts and labor.”

“That’s deceitful.”

He opened his eyes.“He’s not my kid, so that’s not my business. If it were my business, I’d probably say if the old man paid as much attention to the kid as he does to the girlfriend, the kid wouldn’t have taken the Jag out in the first place. Hell of a ride, anyway.”

“He may be an exceptional father just taking a couple of days for himself.”

“The kid’s mother is on a year’s sojourn—that’s the word the kid used—in Tibet where she’s exploring her spiritual self or whatever the f**k, to revisit her truth after divorce three. So he’s dumped on the father who leaves him with a house full of paid staff while he pursues his work and his women. Being rich doesn’t make you a selfish bastard,” he added, “it just makes you a hell of a lot more comfortable when you already are.”

Sympathy warmed her eyes, her voice. “You’re talking about Chad Warwick.”

“Yeah, that’s the kid.You know him?”

“I know the family, though that’s not an accurate term for the situation. I heard Bitsy was going to Tibet. Also heard that she’s spent the last couple of months on her spiritual sojourn on the Côte d’Azur.”


“No, it’s really not. Poor boy.” She rose, held out the plate. “You can report back to the general, and take proof that I followed orders.”

He got to his feet, took the plate. Held her gaze as the light breeze ruffled his already ruffled hair. “I’ll be staying for the next round.”

“That’s up to you.”

Now he reached around, closed his hand over her ponytail. “I got my hundred, so the rest of it’s about seeing you.” He leaned down, took her mouth—hard, hot, fast. “So, I’ll be seeing you.”

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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