Fear Me Page 60
“I can’t – I can’t tell you.” I knew it was lame but while I couldn’t tell her the truth, I couldn’t lie to her either.
“You can’t tell me?” she hissed. I could picture her standing with a hand on her hip and her eyes narrowed.
“It’s complicated, Willow. But you know I would never do anything to hurt you.”
“No, but apparently you would lie to me.”
“Forget it.”
She hung up the phone and I sat there for a minute with my head in my hands. He’d done it. Keiran managed to break apart our friendship without doing much at all. I considered going over to her house and making her talk to me but I decided it was best to let her cool off. Besides, what would I say to her anyway? My phone pinged a few minutes later with a message from Jesse again.
Jesse: Let me help
Lake: How would you do that?
Jesse: We could tell someone…
Lake: I can’t do that and please don’t say anything.
I silenced my phone and tossed it on the coffee table. Jesse was a good guy but Keiran was out of his league. Keiran wouldn’t see Jesse as a threat but rather another pawn to use against me. I busied myself with chores and homework to pass the time and take my mind off my sorrows.
Normally I would be at work but Keiran had screwed that up for me as well. The day after the incident I’d called Charlie who assured we were good but also said I couldn’t have my job back. The local owner apparently had gotten word of the fight and didn’t want me back. It was yet another thing Keiran managed to steal from me.
* * *
Two weeks passed quickly but nothing got better. In fact, everything just got worse. Willow wouldn’t talk to me, Trevor was watching me, and random girls kept picking fights with me. Just yesterday I was pushed against the lockers by one of Anya’s friends.
Keiran also changed…sort of. He ignored me completely in school now but every night he came for me. As backwards as it was, his nightly visits were the only time I didn’t feel alone. I also felt like the dumbest girl in the world because no matter how much he turned my world upside down, by body always welcomed him. Every time he touched me he took without giving anything in return. Sometimes I cried after we had sex but it wasn’t from physical pain. It was the suffocating feeling of hopelessness. Keiran had succeeded in making me his prisoner.
Chapter Fifteen
When Sheldon wasn’t busy with cheerleading and Keenan she made it a mission to break me out of my depression. My aunt was due back in three weeks and I welcomed the chance to feel safe at home again and not just because of the recent burglary. I’d decided to wait until my aunt got back to tell her about it. I didn't want her to worry or cut her tour short.
There wasn’t any way to explain the birthday card and photo to her since it was connected to Keiran somehow. Lucky for me I haven’t been dragged back to his house again since I found the gun and locket in his closet but that also meant I had no way of figuring out his connection to the girl.
I decided to leave that part out when I told her. I knew that keeping it all from her was dangerous and irresponsible but I needed her away from Six Forks as long as possible. I was sure Keiran would get tired of me soon. I’d never known him to be seen with one girl for long.
I was on my way to meet Sheldon at the local burger joint. I wanted to invite Willow but she still wasn’t talking to me. I felt a pain in my heart every time I saw or thought about her. When this was over, somehow I would make it all up to her.
The restaurant was jam-packed and I expected no less but Sheldon just had to pick here of all places to go. I walked in and scoured the place for her. The restaurant expanded a couple of years ago to accommodate the amount of occupancy the place experienced on Friday nights. It usually only lasted until someone decided to take the party to their house.
"Lake!" I looked behind me to see Sheldon pushing through the crowd looking extremely boho in a long, colorful maxi skirt with two splits in the front that made her legs peek out when she walked. She wore a dark green tank top and a long feather pendant. Her hair was in two braids with a thin headband to accessorize.
“You look like Willow,” I said, surprised.
“Thanks! We were talking about fashion the other day and Willow suggested this look when I told her I wanted to try something different.”
“How is she?” I asked and tamped down the jealous feeling.
“She misses you.”
“How do you know that?”
“She’s your best friend. Why wouldn’t she miss you?”
“I haven’t been a very good friend.”
“The thing about true friendships is that they are resilient as hell.”
I was about to respond when someone passing through the crowd bumped me. “Seriously of all the places, why here?”
"Come on, Lake. Don't be such a Debbie Downer. Where else would we go anyway?" I knew she was right. I just didn't like the possibilities of who I could run into.
"Are there any tables left?" I nearly had to scream to be heard over the music and people.
"Do you even have to ask? I was thinking, when they turn this into a house party, we should go."
I remembered the first and last time I went to a house party. Of course Keiran was there so it ended badly. Brian Lassiter, a senior in high school and the quarterback had struck up a conversation with me because his little brother was a fan of my aunt’s books. He wanted to know if he could get a signed copy for his birthday when Becky Daniels came out of nowhere screeching and hollering about me flirting with her boyfriend. When she slapped, I swung and hit her back and that’s when Keiran hollered that I was starting fights. The kids who house it was kicked me out and I was never invited back to a house party.
Source: www_Novel22_Net