Fear Me Page 24
“Not to contact me.”
“And has she?”
“Please, she doesn’t understand–”
“Has…she…called…you?” I nodded my head, unable to speak. I kept seeing the hurt and confused look on her face this morning when I broke her heart and mine.
“Why Willow? You don’t need to do this.”
“Don’t I? She was the only thing left standing between you and me.”
“And now that she is gone? What now?”
“I get to play.” Apprehension shook my body at the underlying threat in his words.
“What –”
“No more questions. There is nothing you can say or anything you can do that will deter me.”
“How long are you going to do this?”
“Until I’ve had enough and not a second before.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“I suppose.”
“You were only supposed to do six months. Why were you gone for a year?”
He was silent for a while and I figured he wouldn’t answer when he finally spoke. “Dash’s parents and my uncle pulled some strings and I received a reduced sentenced but inside I got into a few fights on a regular basis. I guess you can say I had a lot of tension to work off. I ended up with seven months tacked on to my original sentence that accumulated over time. Why is that your business?”
“I think it has everything to do with me. Don’t you?” My voice dripped with sarcasm and I was almost sorry he couldn’t see it on my face.
“Now is not the time to grow a pair of balls, Monroe. We are alone here for at least another fifteen minutes and there is nothing keeping me from you right now except my goodwill.”
“I’m sorry.” I really wasn’t.
“Don’t be sorry. Be careful. I want you to do something for me.”
“Take off your panties.” I felt my skin pale as I squeezed my thighs together unconsciously. He couldn’t be serious could he? “Time is against you, Monroe. The sooner you do what I say the better for you it will be.”
My hands were at my panties, pulling them down from under my dress before he could finish talking. After last night I was learning to take Keiran’s threats seriously. The material was at my feet and I quickly grabbed them and looked around nervously. Teachers and staff were usually at school before students were and Mrs. Connors could walk in at any moment.
“Bring them to me.” I rose from my seat and turned to walk to his table. “On your knees.” My footstep faltered and I looked at him across the room.
“Excuse me?”
“Get on your knees and bring me them to me and since you can’t seem to keep your mouth closed you can gag yourself with them first.”
He watched me with a cold look in his eyes. Needless to say but I obeyed him and stuffed my panties in my mouth and then sunk down to my knees all the while keeping my eyes on him.
“Good girl. Now crawl to me. Slowly.”
My hands touched the floor and I was now on all fours as I made my way to him. He was sprawled lazily in his chair with one leg bent and the other stretched out, looking entirely too comfortable. I hope he doesn’t make me do something crazy like lick his shoes. Hell no.
Tension was thick in the room as well as the anticipation of what he would do once I reached him. I tried to distance my mind from the present and think of happy places but that didn’t work. I didn’t have happy places. He never let me.
I stopped by the table and waited for his command. He watched me from his perch in the chair like a King looks down on his peasants.
“Stand up,” he finally said. I rose to my feet, surprisingly graceful and I saw the brief look of pleasure in his eyes before he hid it.
“Take off your shoes.” I slipped my gold sandals off my feet and looked at him curiously. What was his game? “Get on the table and face me.” He was sitting close to the table but didn’t make room for me so I when I slid onto the tabletop, my feet ended up resting on his legs.
“Spread your legs and rest your feet on the table edge and before you try to overthink it, let me remind you that we now have ten minutes max before someone comes walking through that door.”
A feeling of uneasiness and desire swept through my body at the same time and I could feel the familiar quake start at my toes and work its way up. My panties were in my mouth so we both knew what he would see when I opened up for him. I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again. I placed first one leg and then the other on the table, keeping my legs as close as possible.
“Don’t fuck with me,” he barked.
I spread my legs wider for him and closed my eyes again, feeling his gaze travel over me. The silence in the classroom and the entire school was haunting me, making me nervous, when it should have done the opposite. The hiss that came from him broke the silence and I felt his hands palm my knees before slowly moving down my thighs. Up and down he softly rubbed my skin. My body was rigid on top of the table but the more he touched me the more the stiffness faded away as my body consented to his touch while my mind cursed him to hell.
“There has been one thing on my mind since I left you last night and I think you know what it is. I need to make you feel that again. I need –” He paused to take a breath. “I need to see it.”
I need it too.
He took my panties from my mouth and stuffed them in one of his many pockets. “Place your hands flat on the table, behind your back and don’t move them no matter what I do to you. Do you understand me?”
Source: www_Novel22_Net