Curse the Dawn Page 2

Probably not as tough as talking her into this though.

“Then how did I get here?” I demanded.

“My best guess is that you’re some Pythia’s newly appointed heir on a joyride, testing out the power,” she said, stopping beside the black hole of the doorway. “Ooh, look. I can travel through time. Isn’t that cool?” she mimicked.

“I’m not joyriding! And I don’t find being shot at and almost blown up cool!”

“I did the same thing myself a few times when young and stupid,” she said, ignoring me. “And almost got killed. Take some advice: go home.”

“Not until we talk,” I said flatly. “And we can’t do that here. The explosion was loud enough to wake the dead. Someone is probably on their way to investigate right now!”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” she said, slipping off little champagne-colored heels. “These cellars date back to the eleventh century. And when they built something back then, they intended it to last. The walls are seven feet thick.”

I felt the muscles along my spine start to relax just as a barrel came bouncing at us out of the dark. Agnes slammed the door and scrambled back while I ducked behind another support column. I’d barely made it when a second explosion deafened me and a hail of former door parts exploded through the room, impaling everything in sight.

A jagged piece of iron from one of the hinges hit the floor beside me, burying itself into the stone an inch from my right foot. I jerked back and stared at it wide-eyed. “Why is it that everywhere I go, someone is shooting at me?” I demanded hysterically.

“Your winning personality?” Agnes offered. “And if you don’t like it, you could always, oh, I don’t know, leave?”

“I’m not going anywhere!”

Agnes didn’t respond. I looked around the column to see her cautiously approaching what had been the door. Burning shards framed the opening in fire, and streamers of noxious fumes were swirling slowly outward. It looked like a portal to hell, but she nonetheless squatted to one side, peering into the darkness within.

“Who is the Guild?” I whispered, joining her despite my better judgment.

“An order of mages who play around with very dangerous spells. Unfortunately for us, once in a while they don’t manage to blow themselves up.”

“And that’s a problem because . . . ?”

“Because they’re time travelers.”

She started forward, and I grabbed her arm. “Wait. You’re going in there?”

“That’s the job.”

“The job sucks!”

“You’re telling me.” She threw off my hand and slipped echo across the threshold, her stocking-clad feet silent on the old stones.

“Agnes!” I hissed it after her, but there was no response. I stared into the dark for half a second, cursing softly, and then followed.

I’d closed the lantern’s little door, but it must have gotten dented in the fall, and the sides didn’t meet all the way. Thin beams of sepia light leaked out, gilding the stones around us and turning our shadows into hulking monsters. I stared into the darkness crowding the rest of the room and tried not to think about sharpshooters and easy targets.

When the attack came, the only warning was a flicker of red in the gloom. Agnes aimed for it, but before she could pull the trigger, a bloody snake of lightning flashed across the room and struck her shoulder. She spun around and collapsed against me with a choked cry.

I dropped the lantern and grabbed her and my gun. But I only managed to get a couple of shots off before her fingers closed over my wrist. “Not in here.”

I didn’t argue since I didn’t have anything to use as a target anyway. I dragged her out of the puddle of light into the shadow of a nearby support column. She peered around the side, but unless her eyesight was a hell of a lot better than mine, she didn’t see anything. I listened, but there was no sound except her ragged breathing.

“Maybe I hit him,” I whispered.

“I’m not that lucky.”

Her voice sounded strained, and something gleamed wetly on the shoulder of her dress. “You’re hurt.”

“My own damn fault.” She peeled violet-printed chiffon away from a nasty-looking burn. “I loaned my ward to my heir for a training exercise right before she eloped with some loser. Naturally, she didn’t bother to give it back first.”

I bit my lip and didn’t reply. The ward in question was a pentagram-shaped tattoo the size of a saucer that currently sat between my shoulder blades. It didn’t guard against human weapons, but was pretty amazing when fending off magical assaults. My mother, who had been Agnes’ heir before wisely running for the hills, had passed it on to me. But somehow I didn’t think this was a great time to bring that up.

“Do you usually wear high heels to chase armed men around?” I asked instead.

She wiggled the toes of her now bare foot, making the ladder in one silk stocking creep up a little higher. “I was called away in the middle of a dinner party.”

“You could have brought a bodyguard with you.”

“Yes, that’s all this fiasco needs! Another mage. Probably go off half cocked and blow up the whole complex, saving the Guild the trouble!”

“And maybe saving your life!”

She leaned her head wearily back against the column. “I can do that for myself.”

I crossed my arms but said nothing. Her breathing was still heavy and her color wasn’t good, but I was in no position to give a lecture. She wasn’t the only one who had left a partner behind.

Pritkin hated my trips through time for the same reason I did—the conviction that, sooner or later, I was going to screw up something we couldn’t fix. I’d decided to save myself some grief and just not mention this to him, but it was a decision I was starting to regret. He carried enough firepower for three people, if those people happened to be Rambo. He’d have come in pretty handy right about now.

After a minute, Agnes struggled back to her feet. She stood with one hand braced against the column, her head bowed, her forehead knotted in pain. “Can you make it back to your time?” I asked. “Because if not, I can—”

“I have a job to do,” she repeated, straightening. Her slight shoulders squared. “We need more light.”

“We need to get out of here!”

“Then go. Nobody’s stopping you.” I stared at her for a moment, really tempted, before cursing and scurrying back for the lantern. For a wonder, nobody shot at me.

It had a ring welded into the top, so I grabbed a long stick from one of the piles of firewood that crunched underfoot and hooked the light on the end of it. After opening the door as wide as it would go, I poked the contraption out into the room while remaining behind the column with Agnes. I’d been hoping to illuminate a crumpled body on the floor. Instead, the warm golden glow fell across dozens of casks and barrels.

Some of them were almost buried under the mounds of wood and coal that nearly filled the room. But a few were stacked nearby, as if the camouflage attempt had gotten to be too much work. Or maybe the problem was that these barrels were leaking.

The nearest one had a crack as large as my finger in the side. The floor around it was covered in tiny grains that sparkled in the light like black diamond dust. My hand shook as I realized what they were, and a couple sparks spilled from the open side of the lantern. I had time to think, Oh, shit, before flames leapt up from the floor and ran straight toward the heap of barrels.

I dove for Agnes and we hit the floor together as a wave of force swept over us. A roar of sound deafened me, fire bloomed behind me and a wash of heat flooded the air. Dead, I thought in a rush of nausea.

And then nothing.

After a stunned moment, I opened my eyes to see a room filled with what looked like red and gold glitter. It took me a second to recognize it as flaming bits of wood and powder thrown off by the explosion, frozen in the air like confetti on the Fourth of July. A small piece was resting beside my cheek and it was hot. I knocked it away, and it moved a few inches before stopping, hanging suspended and molten as a tiny sun.

“You know, you’re a real pain in the ass,” Agnes mumbled. I belatedly realized that I’d squashed her face against the floor.

“Sorry. I—”

“Get off me.”

I rolled to the side and stopped, blinking. A couple feet away was a freeze-frame out of hell. A ball of fire hung in space, surrounded by burning bits of wood that had once formed the sides of a barrel. Sparks were everywhere, turning the dull old stones around us bloodred and highlighting the pissy look on Agnes’ face.

“What happened?”

“What does it look like?” she snapped. “You almost blew us up!”

“You didn’t tell me there was gunpowder in here!”

“There was gunpowder out there!” She waved an arm wildly in the direction of the other room. “And someone threw a barrel at us from in here! What the hell do you want, a diagram?”

“I want to know what’s going on,” I said heatedly. “All I know is that I followed you into a cellar—”

“Which you had no business doing.”

“—and now some crazy man is trying to kill us!”

“At the rate we’re going, he won’t have to,” Agnes said, staggering back to her feet. Her hair had come loose from its once neat chignon and floated down over her temples and cheeks. It moved delicately with her breath, giving away how fast her heart beat. She put a hand to her head. “I’m going to feel like hell tomorrow.”

“You stopped time.” I’d seen her do it once before; I’d even done it myself on one memorable occasion. Of course, in my case, it had been an accident.

She eyed the suspended fireball. “What gave it away?”

I decided to ignore that and retrieved my stick. I used it to push at the burning splinters. They were radiating outward from the blast in a concentric ring, like spores off hell’s dandelion. They bent at my touch but didn’t go out or fall to the floor. I stared at them for a moment, a strange echoing vertigo in my mind when I thought about the distance between this new life and everything I’d ever known.

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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