Considering Kate Page 6
She wouldn't disappoint her parents.
The important thing was that the property was now hers—and the bank's—and that those next steps could be taken.
She walked up the steps—her steps—crossed the short, slightly sagging porch and unlocked the door to her future.
It smelled of dust and cobwebs.
That would change. Oh, yes, she told herself as she set her bag and keys aside. That would begin to change very soon. In short order, the air would smell of sawdust and fresh paint and the sweat of a working crew.
She just had to hire the crew.
She started to cross the floor, just to hear her footsteps echo, and saw the little portable stereo in the center of the room. Baffled, she hurried to it, picked up the card set on top of the machine and grinned at her mother's handwriting.
She ripped open the envelope and took out the card fronted with a lovely painting of a ballerina at the bane.
Congratulations, Katie!
Here's a small housewarming gift so you'll always have music. Love, Mom, Dad and Brandon
"Oh, you guys. You just never let me down." A little teary-eyed, she crouched and turned the stereo on. It was one of her father's compositions, and one of her favorites. She remembered how thrilled, and how proud she had been, when she had danced to it the first time on stage in New York. Kimball dancing to Kimball, she thought, and shrugged out of her coat, kicked off her shoes. Slow at first—a long extension. The muscles tremble, but hold, and hold. A bend at the knee to change the line. Turning, beat by beat.
Lower. A gentle series of pirouettes, fluid rather than sharp.
She moved around the dingy room, sliding into the well-remembered steps. Music swelled into the space, into her mind, into her body.
Building now, from romance toward passion.Arabesque, quick, light triple pirouette and intoballottes. The joy of it rushed into her. The confining band flew out of her hair.Grande jeté. And again. Again. Feel like you could fly forever. Look like you can.
End it with flair, with joy, in a fast rushof fouette turns. Then set! Snap like a statue, one arm up, one back.
"I guess I'm supposed to throw roses, but I don't have any on me." Her breath was already coming fast, and she nearly lost it completely as the statement shoved her out of dance mode. She pressed a hand to her speeding heart, and panting lightly, stared at Brody. He stood just inside the door, hands in his pockets and a toolbox at his feet.
"You can owe me," she managed to say. "I like red ones. God, you scared the life out of me."
"Sorry. Your door wasn't locked, and you didn't hear me knock." Or wouldn't have, he decided, if he'd thought to knock.
But when he'd seen her through the window, he hadn't thought at all. He'd just walked in, dazzled. A woman who looked like that, who moved like that, was bound to dazzle a man. He imagined she knew it.
"It's all right." She turned and walked over to turn down the music. "I was initiating the place. Though the dance looks better with the costumes and lights. So." She pushed at her tumbled hair, willing her speeding heart to settle. "What can I do for you, Mr. O'Connell?" He walked toward her, stopping to pick up her hair band. "You lost this during a spin."
"Thanks." She tucked it into her pocket.
He wished she'd pulled her hair back into it. He didn't care for his reaction to the way she looked just now, flushed and tousled and… available. "I get the feeling you weren't expecting me."
"No, but I don't mind the unexpected." Especially, she thought, when it comes with fabulous green eyes and a sexy little scowl.
"Your mother asked me to come by, take a look at the place."
"Ah. You're another housewarming present."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Nothing." She angled her head. Dancers, she mused, knew as much about body language as a psychiatrist. His was stiff, just a little defensive. And he was certainly careful to keep a good, safe distance between them. "Do I make you nervous, O'Connell, or just annoy you?"
"I don't know you well enough to be nervous or annoyed."
"Want to?"
His belly muscles quivered. "Look, Ms. Kimball—"
"All right, don't get huffy." She waved him off. A pity, she thought. She preferred being direct, and he, obviously, didn't. "I find you attractive, and I got the impression you were interested, initially. My mistake."
"You make a habit of coming on to strange men in your mother's toy store?" She blinked, a quick flicker of temper and hurt. Then she shrugged. "Oh, well. Ouch."
"Sorry." Disgusted with himself, he held up both hands. "Way out of line. Maybe you do annoy me after all. Not your fault. I'm out of practice when it comes to… aggressive women. Let's just say I'm not in the market for any entanglements right now."
"This is a blow—I'd already picked the band for the wedding, but I expect I'll recover." His lips curved. "Oh, well. Ouch."
He had a great smile when he used it, Kate thought. It was a damn shame he was so stingy with it where she was concerned. "Now that we have all that out of the way. What do you think?'' She spread her arms to encompass the room.
Since here he was on solid ground, Brody relaxed. "It's a great old place. Lots of atmosphere and potential. Solid foundation. Built to last."
The little prickle of annoyance that still chilled her skin faded away. Warmth radiated. "That's it. Now I love you."
It was his turn to blink. He'd already taken a defensive step in retreat when Kate laughed. "Boy, youare out of practice. I'm not going to throw myself into your arms, Brody—though it's tempting. It's just that you're the first person who's agreed with me on this. Everyone else thinks I'm crazy to sink so much time and money into this building."
He couldn't remember having a woman make him feel like an idiot so often in such a short space of time. He shoved his hands into his pockets again. "It's a good investment—if you do it right and you're in for the long haul."
"Oh, I'm in. Why don't you tell me how you'd do it right?"
"First thing I'd do is have the heating system looked at. It's freezing in here." She grinned at him. "We may just get along after all. The furnace is in the basement. Want to take a look?"
Source: www_Novel22_Net