Coming Undone Page 86

“Baby, Christ, Christ, that’s so good. Hold on. Hold on,” he whispered as he panted through the flex and clasp of her inner muscles.

After long moments, he leaned back against the headboard and smiled. “Fuck me.”

“Mmm, my pleasure.”

Brody nearly came each time her body came down, her cunt surrounding his cock, lava-hot and ridiculously right around him. He loved seeing the tattoo on her belly, loved knowing he’d put it there, loved knowing it connected them. She was a thing of beauty to him, something he’d never looked for but sure as hell couldn’t live without now that he had her.

She ground herself down against his pelvic bone, her clit a hard, slippery knot against him. Her hips moved back and forth as she held him deep.

“Goddamn, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Those half-lidded, f**k-drunk eyes opened to focus on him. A smile flirted with her lips and she gave in, showing a face he knew only he ever saw. The intimacy of it was shocking, straight down to his toes.

“That’s funny, I think the same thing every morning when I open my eyes and see you there.”

She scratched down his chest, stopping to give extra attention to his ni**les. That was hot. Then she leaned forward and her ni**les brushed against his. That was beyond hot. He knew she stroked her clit against him, and then her ni**les too. In the last year and a half, she’d opened up to him enough that the shy woman had shown him her sensual side and now she unabashedly took her pleasure. “Your cunt feels so good.”

She groaned and he smiled. The shy Mrs. Brown loved dirty talk.

“Does it?”

“Yes. Hot, so hot. And wet. Your honey slides down my c**k and over my balls. I love it when you f**k yourself onto me this way. Then again, I love f**king you every way.”


He laughed as he pinched and rolled her ni**les. “Yeah. I thought so. It’s why I married you.”

“Certainly wasn’t for a quiet house.”

“Quiet is overrated.”

“Yeah. So f**k me. Come inside me before I die right here stuffed with you.”

Oh. Well. He liked dirty talk too. Especially from her lips. Good god.

“Pick up the pace then. Ride me hard so your tits jiggle.”

Sometime later, when the moon reflected off her skin as she lay facedown on the bed, satisfied and sleeping, he looked at her and then out the window. His life had been a series of turns, hard rights and lefts around blind curves. It hadn’t always been easy, but the place where he ended up had always been a joy. Such as it was with her and his daughter.

She’d come into his life precisely when he didn’t need or expect a woman, didn’t need a girlfriend, much less a wife, and she’d taught him just what need was. And in the end, what it meant to have need sated, to be loved and love in return. Not such a bad outcome, even if he had to get hit by a car to get started.

Source: www_Novel22_Net
