All He Needs Page 71

“You don’t have to convince me to stay in. I like being alone with you.”

He softly exhaled. “Same here, baby. We’re both tapping into the same good vibe.”

His mother had gotten to him, she thought. And why wouldn’t she? It was all fine and good to sweep all that misery under the rug, but it surfaced from time to time. Or it was deliberately provoked by Letitia Knight.

The cold-hearted bitch had been waiting for him.


I left our phones charging next door,” Dominic said as they entered his bedroom. “Be right back.”

In a few moments, he returned through the connecting door to his small office, barefoot now. Moving to the bed, he held out Kate’s phone. “Roscoe said I have some e-mails I should look at. He’s been deleting what he can. Maybe Nana left you a message. Did you tell her you were here?”

“Not yet.” Kate turned on her cell.

He grinned. “Or ever?”

She did an eye roll. “I’m thinking about it.”

“Let me know if I should say hi if you call her,” he teased, dropping onto the bed, pulling some pillows behind his head, stretching out beside Kate, and scrolling through his remaining e-mails. He’d deleted the one from Leo with the time and place for his meeting with Gora.

“Jeez! I have another job offer! Wow!” Kate quickly sat up, stared at the screen, read the entire e-mail, then handed it to Dominic. “CX Capital liked my work in Singapore.”

“And why wouldn’t they?” he said with an approving smile. “You’re the cyber wizard who can always find the missing loot.” Setting down his phone, he took hers and read the message he’d been waiting for. “Congratulations.” He handed her phone back. “The money’s not bad either.”

“It’s huge! Well, not compared to your idea of money,” she said with a small smile, leaning over and placing her phone on the bedside table. “But some of us are used to living on scholarships and ramen noodles. Did you see they have a sublet apartment available for me?”

“They really want you, baby. Although you could stay at my place in London if you like.”

“Don’t be mad if I say no. Okay?”

He smiled. “I won’t be, Miss Independent. See, I’m learning. So, does the job sound like something you’d like to do?”

“Does it ever! They have some major security vulnerabilities they need closed. Is that fun or what?”

Dominic laughed. “Apparently.”

“I don’t have to be there until next week,” she said softly. “I’m glad.”

“Me too. We still have a few days then.” He reached out and pulled her on top of him. “Just us.” He lifted his head from the pillow, kissed her, and, dropping back, said quietly, “I’m happy for you, baby.”

“Thanks. I love what I do.”

“It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?” He smiled. “I’ll fly you to London. Tell them you don’t need a plane ticket. Once you’re settled in, I have to go to Rome. Business,” he added. His meeting with Gora was scheduled for Tuesday.

“Because you’ve put everything on hold for a week.”

He nodded. “Things can wait. I’d rather be with you while I can. Especially if you’re going to be working again.”

The words I’d rather be with you while I can triggered all her insecurities about time, or rather their lack of time, exclusivity contract or not. There were enormous dangers in loving someone like Dominic Knight. No matter what he said, the pattern of his relationships was a huge red flag. As were all the women he’d politely evaded at the party tonight. And her jealousy was like a fire-breathing beast—not even close to tame. So even though she should have left well enough alone, accepted her place in the manifold ranks of women who’d passed through Dominic’s life, and counted her goddamn blessings, she said, “Who’s Bets?”

“Why?” His clear gaze was on her, his voice mellow.

“Because she seemed to really miss you, that’s why.”

“You don’t have to miss me,” he said, ignoring her question. “You’re already welcome in my life.” He reached up and touched her cheek with his palm. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that.”

“You didn’t answer. Who is she?”

“Bets is someone who needs someone,” he said, the quiet affirmation in his voice not meant to persuade but to confirm.

“Not just any someone. You.”

“I can’t help that. She can’t have me.” He ran a slow hand through her tousled hair. “You can have me if you like.”

She took a small breath, rolled off him, sat up, and gave him a shaky smile.

He suddenly wished like hell they’d never gone to the party. Or that Betsy hadn’t gone to the party. Or that he could think of some excuse that would placate Katherine. His mind was blank; he must be more tired than he thought.

“I know I’m supposed to be coy and not rock the boat with a big-time player like you,” Kate said, her voice very quiet despite the determined look on her face.

Not good, he thought. Katherine determined.

“But I’ve never been coy or cautious, so here goes. I love you. You don’t have to love me back. You probably couldn’t even if I wanted you to. But it’s all I can think of—even when I know how colossally stupid it is to love someone like you. It’s on my mind all the time, every minute, every second, so I’m telling you.”

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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