All He Needs Page 64

“Thank you.”

She took a small breath and he felt his thumbs slide over lace. “Pleasure’s all mine,” she whispered, her gaze flickering downward.

Slipping his thumbs under the rim of lace, he pried her nipples free, added his index fingers, and gently squeezed. “Tell me if I should ease up.”

Her eyes were shut, her breathing shallow, the world dissolving from view.

“Or not,” he said under his breath and, flexing his hips, he thrust upward, jacking his erection with ruthless intent at the same time he brutally compressed the soft flesh of her nipples.

She shrieked, then panted in explosive little bursts, then moaned, low and whisper-soft as the most shocking pleasure battered her senses.

Dominic waited for his brain to stop detonating.

He didn’t ask again after that.

He drove into her hot, slick sex over and over again, hard, then harder still, holding her captive, his fingers clamped on her nipples, not caring at first who came when or first until he heard the familiar gasping sound she made just prior to orgasm, felt her tense around his dick, and he dragged himself out of the savage fantasy swirling like a hurricane through his brain.

He paid careful attention to those small preorgasmic whimpers he’d replayed over and over in his dreams that month in Paris, the same ones he’d heard for real the past two days, the sights and sounds that were etched so deeply in his psyche that they’d probably be the last thing he’d think of before he kissed off.

He smiled at the thought.

Then her high, thin wail began.

“Here, baby, we’re here,” he whispered, moving his hands to her hips, locking his fingers hard to hold her in place, arching his back and giving her everything she needed. Holding himself where she wanted him most, feeling her convulsions ripple up his dick, watching her, gratified and content, as she climaxed with her usual unmuzzled, free-wheeling abandon.

With Dominic her orgasmic pleasure was so ungodly intense that she always came down off her high harboring the faintest melancholy, knowing he’d always be her gold standard for pleasure, knowing he’d be impossible to replace.

Knowing she’d be without him someday.

And bereft.

But a moment later, with the warm, shimmering tremors still cutting a rapturous swath through her senses, she dismissed her pensive thoughts. She had Dominic now, and tomorrow, perhaps longer. So carpe diem—until she ran out of road.

“That was fabulous as usual,” she said with a gratified sigh. “But you know that, don’t you, Mr. Knight.”

“I didn’t,” he lied, his smile radiant enough to bathe the entire world in sunshine. “Thank you, Miss Hart.”

Her lashes drifted lower. “So,” she whispered.

“Your call, baby.” He moved inside, delicately, slowly.

She sucked in a breath. “Goddamn.”

“You like?”

His expertise was the result of years of flagrant lechery and an innate talent for fucking and while she might resent the reasons for his expertise, she definitely benefitted from them. So she really had no right to take issue. No more than she had the right to sulkily murmur, “Sometimes I wish you were a virgin.”

“I feel the same way about you,” he said, his voice suddenly razor sharp, his jealousy limitless.

“From now on, ours is an entirely monogamous relationship. My attorney will have the exclusivity contract ready for us to sign tomorrow.”

“You’re serious.”

“Did you think I wasn’t? Did you think I ask just any fucking woman to sign an exclusivity agreement with me?”

He was glaring. “Sorry,” she breathed.

“You’d better fucking be sorry. Jesus, Katherine, when the hell are you going to get it? I’m not screwing around here. This is for real.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I understand.”

“It’s about fucking time you do.” He dropped his head back against the chaise with a thud. Shut his eyes. Counted to ten enough times not to frighten her. Then he opened his eyes and said quietly, “Sometimes you’re really stupid for a genius hacker.”

“And sometimes you don’t understand that I’m looking at a man who hasn’t been serious about a woman since—when—how many years, Dominic? What the hell do you expect? Why would I think you’ve changed?” She gasped. “Jesus, does he ever go limp?”

“Not with you around. You’re signing those papers tomorrow. End of discussion. Now, how many more times do you want to come?”

“I don’t want to come at all when you’re talking like—oh God… Jesus.” She shut her eyes against the exquisite, spiking ecstasy. “Oh fuck.” Pleasure lit up her brain as he thrust deep inside her again, rapture flared like wildfire through her body, melted hot and lustful through her sex, made her weak with longing and insatiable with desire and reduced her to a sordid mass of horniness.

“Change your mind, baby?” he murmured, straightening his legs, pulling her up so she was straddling his thighs, ruthlessly changing the subject, selfishly changing the subject, making sure Katherine would accommodate him now, on the contract tomorrow, always.

Fully aware of her taste for wild, audacious sex, when she was panting hard and flushed and glowing, he said, sharply so she’d hear him through her frenzy, “First, you have to make me come, Katherine. That’s an order. Don’t you dare come first. Open your eyes, tell me you understand.”

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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