A Cursed Bloodline Page 17

“Trust me.”

I trust you.

“You’re safe now, no one can hurt you.”

I stiffened. You’re wrong.

Aric released my arms when Emme finished. I cringed away and dressed in the sweats Gemini tossed me. “I have to go get Bren,” I mumbled.

I kept my arms crossed over my breasts, feeling violated. My breasts were emblematic of my womanhood. They were intimate body parts. And they’d been defiled by a monster.

Aric and my sisters followed behind me. They kept speaking and asking me questions. I ignored them. Misha scowled at Aric when he saw him so close to me, but when he returned to his conversation with the Elders, his voice was calm. “You have my word as a master that no harm shall come to your wolf. My family will keep their distance and Ying-Ying and Chang will assist in his care.”

I sighed with relief. Fantastic. Bring on the Gan Mao Ling. “Can we go, Misha?”

“As you wish, my love. Hank?”

Hank lifted Bren in his arms using great care, probably because his master and the Elders were watching. Aric’s glare followed him, but it wasn’t until Misha placed his arm around me that the growls that accompanied his glare turned challenging.

“Let her go, Aric,” Makawee said softly.

My sisters tried to say their goodbyes. I hurried away from them and chased down Hank. I was emotionally beaten and incapable of dealing with more of their questions. My prime concern was getting Bren to safety and finding a way out of this ever-worsening nightmare.

Emme ran full out to catch us. “I’ll go back with them.”

The vampires had formed a perimeter around the lot, using their mojo to alter the memories of the few humans walking the streets. They abandoned their posts as soon we appeared, exchanging annoyed glances when they caught sight of Bren.

Hank usually drove Misha’s Hummer limo, but this time he asked Tim to drive us back. It wasn’t until we were seated that I realized why. Bren’s head rested across Emme’s lap and she stroked his hair with easy affection. Hank was not at all pleased. He watched her, grinding his fangs. I leaned forward. “This might be a good time to remind you that you aren’t allowed to hurt my friend. And if you do, I’ll skewer your liver and feed you the chunks.” Hank clenched his teeth to hiss, but something in my face told him now was not the time to mess with me. I leaned back when he turned his focus elsewhere.

Emme’s fingertips slid over the new section of Bren’s scalp. “Misha, how did you help Bren?”

“Masters at my level can often heal those near death. It’s referred to as a blood rising.”

Emme smiled at him. “What a wonderful gift. You could help so many—”

“No, he could not,” Hank snapped. “My master risked demonic possession by helping your mutt.”

I straightened. “Is that true?”

Misha casually shrugged off my question. “The soul you returned to me combined with my immortality affords me unimaginable power. Yet it’s not without its weaknesses. During the blood rising my body became vulnerable to the Dark Ones. However, the close proximity to Tahoe’s magic was likely enough to deter their presence.”

“But there was still a risk.”

Misha nodded. “There is always a risk.”

I clutched Misha’s hand in mine. My vision blurred with tears when he squeezed back. “Thank you, Misha.” I swallowed hard. “Thank you for helping Bren.”

I rested my head against him when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I was so tired; it felt good to drop my guard for a moment. Emme didn’t understand. Her crinkled brow made it clear she didn’t approve of my relationship with Misha. Especially given how I’d dismissed Aric.

Danny arrived shortly after we’d settled Bren into the living room of the guesthouse. He embraced me at once. “How are you holding up?”

I motioned to the pull-out couch. “Better than Bren.”

Danny left me and squatted beside Bren. “Can you hear me, buddy?” He waited patiently for a response. It was sad to watch them. They were the best of friends, and the connection they shared was more like that of brothers. Bren failed to react, crushing the hope we had that Danny could reach him.

Danny turned back to us. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. Heidi and I took off for a few days. We were on our way home from Sacramento when Liam called.”

Emme drew back the sheer curtains and peered out into the garden. “Where is she?”

Danny lowered his head. “She’s waiting outside the gate. She’s not a fan of vampires and I didn’t want any more problems.”

More problems? The sadness in Danny’s tone made me think he meant something besides Bren’s state. I ran my fingers through my curls, still damp from my shower. “What’s going on?”

“It’s not anything worth mentioning now.” He stood and rubbed his hands together. “I’ll stay here tonight, if that’s okay.”

Emme released the curtain and moved to stand by Danny. “You don’t have to. Celia and I will both be here. And I’m sure Heidi would rather have you with her.”

Danny shook his head. “I’m sure she’d prefer the company of another male.” Emme and I gawked at him. Heidi had quite the reputation. But I’d hoped her relationship with Danny had changed all that. He walked across the hardwood floors and toward the kitchen. “My bags are in the car. I’ll go grab them.”

I shoved my feet into a pair of UGGs and followed him out the door. “I’ll go with you so Misha’s family doesn’t give you any problems.” It really wasn’t necessary for me to escort Danny. The vamps never bothered him. Mostly because he was passive and respectful, and since he hadn’t been a wolf that long, they seemed to continue to regard him as human.

My pulse raced as my anxiety grew. Aside from my sisters, Danny and Bren were my closest friends. I always thought I could trust Danny with my life. But as I stopped him in the garden, I realized I had to entrust him with the lives of everyone I loved.

“Danny,” I whispered, my voice trembling. “I need you to break my mate bond with Aric.”

Chapter Eight

Danny’s brows shot up to his hairline. He couldn’t believe what I’d asked any more than I could. “Celia, I-I can’t break your mate bond. I’m one of Aric’s Warriors!”

Source: www_Novel22_Net

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