Loving Deviant Page 61

with his father’s coloring or his mother’s. It didn’t matter but it was a curiosity.

She focused on Deviant as he turned to stare at her, watching her approach. He had put on a tight black uniform that outlined his gorgeous body. Her heart pounded and she smiled at him. She had to be the luckiest woman ever. He smiled back at her.

Mavo led her to the center of the bridge, where everyone waited. She could easily tell who was who once she glanced at the men. Krell’s scars were noticeable but she just nodded at him, avoiding staring. The other man had to be Zorus, the council member. He looked nice enough as he inclined his head her way.

“You are so beautiful!” Deviant blurted.

She felt heat creep into her cheeks as she stared at him again. “You take my breath away too.”

“I already love her,” the woman stated.

Venice studied Cyan. “Hello.”

“We’ll be the best of friends.” Cyan winked. “Welcome to the family. Now marry my brother before he becomes crazier than he already is. He’s been pacing, waiting for you, and I’ve had to stop him twice from rushing home to make sure you were going to show up.”

Venice gazed lovingly at Deviant. “I wouldn’t miss marrying you for anything.”

Zorus cleared his throat. “Let’s begin. I apologize for the rush, but it’s going to be hot today.” He smiled. “And I remember my wedding day. I just wanted everyone to leave so I could get Charlie alone and naked in our bed. I know you, Deviant. I’m certain you feel the same way about your bride.”

Venice blushed a little but was amused. “I’m all for that.”

“I will stand in as her father,” Mavo announced.

Zorus moved between them. “It is my pleasure to bring this couple together in matrimony today. Mavo, please escort the female to your son.”

He led Venice forward a few feet to stand in front of Deviant and released her, backing away. “With pleasure.”

Deviant took her flowers, passing them to Cyan, then clasped both of her hands in his. “You honor me, Venice.”

“I’m the lucky one,” she whispered back.

Zorus began. “Do you, Deviant, take Venice to be your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her? Do you swear to protect her from all harm and see to her every need to keep her happy and content?”

“I do,” Deviant rasped.

“Venice, do you take Deviant to be your husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him? Will you allow him to protect you from all harm and attempt to make him happy and content?”

“I do.” The vows weren’t quite what she expected but she liked them.

“Deviant has asked for one more vow to be added that you both take.” Zorus paused. “Do you both agree this shall be a lifelong commitment to each other, that you shall never request this contract to be dissolved?”

“I swear,” Deviant stated, loud and clear.

“I do too.” It was so sweet that he’d remembered, and that he never wanted to lose her, either. “Forever.”

Deviant squeezed her hands, his grin widening. “Forever,” he repeated.

Zorus reached inside the pocket of the gray outfit he wore and removed a box. “The rings.”

Deviant released Venice and accepted the box. He opened it and showed her two matching rings. “I hope you don’t mind. Some cyborgs get tattooed but I would never want to cause you any pain or mar your skin. I wanted to honor Earth traditions.”

She nodded, touched. “I’m so glad.” They were made out of some shiny, bright blue material that reminded her of Deviant’s eye color, just simple bands, but silver had been added to them to make a strange yet beautiful design.

“They are our names in the cyborg language.” Deviant took out each ring and his father accepted the box. “They were made from an ocean stone found here on Garden.” He cleared his throat. “You said you love my eyes, and they nearly match the color of them.”

“I love them.” And she loved him even more for being so thoughtful and wonderful.

Venice lifted her left hand and Deviant gently placed the ring on her finger. He handed her his and she did the same, pushing it onto his finger.

He clasped her hands again and looked at Zorus. “Seal the contract.”

“It is my official honor to declare―”

“Wait!” a female voice called out. “Halt this immediately!”

Venice twisted her head, stunned, as a lovely gray woman with black hair quickly approached. She wore a red dress with matching boots—and four cyborg men followed her.


Source: www_Novel22_Net

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